Friday, July 18, 2008

TRX Suspension Training

Some of you may recall that Laura told us about the TRX Suspension Trainer a few weeks ago. I broke down & bought it.

I used it for the first time last night. I couldn't even get through the warm-up on the introductory DVD. It didn't hurt my shoulder at all. Though I do admit I am sore today--not in a bad way but in a way to know that I've worked it.

I've downloaded the DVD onto my iPod & am going to take it with me to San Antonio. Will try to get through the warm-up & let you know how I do!


Wennndy said...

I am glad you like the trainer -- we have rings at the gym that are similar but I'd really like the trainer to use on clients.

I was worried about your shoulder (did I post that already? LOL! I'm a wingnut lately I swear).

redcat said...

I think those tri trainer things look pretty cool; I've had to talk myself out of buying one several times!

On a completely different note, I see you're doing the Stephanie Plum thing this summer. LOL I did that maybe two, three summers ago - it was one of my most enjoyable reading summers. Those books are so much fun - plus it helps that they're set close by and I actually know the roads and townships she's talking about. I did a job almost exactly where the bail bonds office is (fictionally) located.

Deb said...

It's fun to read about a "local gal." The funny thing is that Motormouth took place in parts of Miami that I'm familiar with from my growing up years (I'm a NJ-Miami-NJ transplant).

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