Tuesday, March 2, 2010

25 days & feeling groovy

Laura expressed something I’ve been wondered about Joe—his seems very confused about his sexuality.  He talks about girls non-stop but spends more time chatting with guys online than anyone else.  It’s hypocritical of me I know but I don’t mind having friends that are gay but I don’t want it under my roof.  I have no problems watching movies/shows with gay characters but I can’t stand to see two men/women kissing. 


Not only does he have to deal with his dead-beat dad but his mother really was inappropriate in her raising him.  When he was struggling with school she encouraged him to drop out & get a full-time job & then began stealing his money.  Not requiring him to pay rent but would actually tell my mother that she would find his hiding places & take his money.  She is not right.  However, I stand by my demand that he not talk sh*t about her in my home.  I won’t allow him to talk sh*t about his father either.


Anyway, we do stick to our guns & are presenting a united front with him.  I make John do the disciplining because Joe has serious issue with women—he just doesn’t respect them.  I am telling myself that we only have a total of 10 weeks left with him & I will not even be with him for 2 of them; he will be going home for spring break for 10  days & I will be on my cruise for 7.


Back to what this blog is really for…


Yesterday I mentioned that I did 105 lb squats for 2 sets of 8.  My legs are a little tight but generally speaking not as tight as I would have hoped.  Guess I’ll be increasing that weight again.  YAY!            


I did 45 minutes on the arc trainer followed by inclined crunches & twists—two sets of 12, followed by a good stretch.  Ahhhh. 


Meals look like this:




1 c yogurt

1 c mixed fruit (strawberries, peaches, melon balls—frozen variety mix)

1 tbs sugar free vanilla syrup

10 cocoa roasted almonds


2.5 oz shrimp

1 c green beans


1 c 2%  cottage cheese

1 c frozen mixed berries


2.5 oz chicken breast

1 c green beans


Dinner has yet to be determined but I’m thinking spinach & jalapeño omelets are sounding really yummy.








stacey said...

Poor boy needs some therapy.

You are doing a great job of getting to goal. Go Deb!

Anonymous said...

By the way, is the potential stalker Idiot Fat Boy?

I think you are better off being private. Some of your work posts, for example, would be at least embarrassing if read aloud by your manager. :)

Speaking of, how is the new job going? Do you like the boss? the co-workers? the work you'll be doing? Hopefully it's a less toxic environment for you!

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