Friday, July 3, 2009

I just ordered...

New belly rings...

A pink flamingo & a fairy. I got the site from a post on Wendy's wall. Thanks Wendy's friend (I can't remember who posted it).

I'm going to do some interval swimming using my fishing pole later this afternoon. Can't wait. It really does provide a killer workout.

I'm a little disappointed that my lats aren't more sore from doing the pull-ups. Just proves that I do need to move to the lighter weight band.


Wennndy said...

No. It proves you need to do them unassisted. Bwahahahahaha!

Here is what you will do:

Do them in a negative -- and do them as chinups or with your palms facing each other if you have that option. Jump up to the top of the move, and slowly lower down.

I want new belly bling but I gotta wait a while before I spring for it.

Doin the Math said...

I'm here to testify on the negatives! I can't do unassisted pullups either. I did 36 negatives on Friday (not consecutively...2 waves of 8/6/4) (but my hands were in pull-up position rather than chin-up position), and I STILL freakin feel my lats today. And part of my rear delts.

It's true. I am the only woman left in America who does not have her belly button pierced.

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