Sunday, June 8, 2008

My eating habits suck but...

I am recovering incredibly quickly. I can raise my arm, fully extended, almost parallel to the floor already. I am almost able to put my hair up by myself. My arm is bent but I can reach up & brush my hair. I did manage to shave my arm pits yesterday. No more Amazon woman.

No, I'm not pushing. I am only do what is absolutely painless. If there is any tension on my shoulder at all, I don't do it. I am not lifting anything heavier than 5 lbs yet.

Yesterday we went to my parents' house for a memorial service for my uncle that passed away in March. I got to see his son & daughter (my cousins) who I haven't seen in 23 years!!! We had a really great time but I ate WAY too much. I'm so bad.

Ah well. Today is a new day.

Marie, I bought these on ebay...

Solar Sun Rings

We put them in yesterday. Our pool temperature was 82 degrees this morning. The website said we needed 15. Our pool store guy said we need 7. We probably need 15. But with the temp going up, I'm thinking 7 will be fine.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, how do they work? You put them on at night and take them off when you're getting in? I absolutely have to get a solar cover of some sort this year. Last year I tossed ours (my very bad cats peed on it); also, it was too big and unwieldy. The pool is oval and I think 15 x 30 or something. I do have a heater but last year almost never used it due to cost and some hose issues. I'm thinking about selling it at the end of the year and buying those panels you put on the roof instead.

So, you buy them individually, put them in at night and take them out in the AM? Are they easier to deal with than the large cover???

PS: I'm glad you are feeling better.

Deb said...

You blow up the center part with very little air & the outer part with a little more. They lay flat & connect together with magnets. You put them on when the pool is not in use--while you are at work & remove them when you are ready to swim. To keep the heat in over night, you put them back.

We considered buying solar panels but the cost was astronomical. We also looked into a cover -- probably like what you described. The cost for a 27' pool was something like double what we'll probably end up paying for these panels.

The pool guy told us he likes these because the space between them allows the pool to "breathe" unlike a traditional cover. The traditional cover "sufficates" the pool and allows algae to grow faster.

Of course, we're in the pool today (I'm in cooking lunch) so the rings are out.

Oh & they hand very conveniently on a hook on the outside of the deck.

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