Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Working it

I worked my legs today.  They were still a little tight from the past week but I'm on a roll & didn't want to blow it.  Here's what I did...
3 sets of wall squats: 1 full minute, 2 @ 45 seconds
3 x 12 @ 110 lbs leg press
1 x 12 @ 50 leg extensions
2 x 12 @ 40 leg extensions
3 x 12 @ 30 leg curls
All of these were using nautilus equipment in our p.t. department.  I hate the machines because I feel like the way they are levered I'm doing very little of the work.  But alas, it is all I can do at the moment.
Tomorrow will be another run day.  I'm determined to get a full 3 miles in.  
I have a funky "twinge" in my left ankle.  Several months back I twisted it.  It ached for a while but I started doing serious yoga & it felt fine.  A few weeks ago it started aching again.  Last night it kept me up.  Dammit it sucks getting old.  I'm going to try to do some yoga & see if the downward
 dogs help (if I can handle the stretch in my shoulder).  Will keep you posted.  

I did try one of these at work today.  It felt really good.  I'm thinking about buying one.


Anonymous said...

Deb, I have the twingy ankle thing after falling last year, too. I usually have to lay off the activity when it is really bothering me. Otherwise, have you tried an ankle brace? I sleep in mine sometimes and it really helps.

Wennndy said...


Be careful with that downward dog (i know you will, but i have to say it anyway, lol)! It puts a lot of strain on the shoulder.

Deb said...

I'm actually doing the downward dog with only 1 arm. So I guess you could call it the downward lame dog. Ha I crack me up!

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