Thursday, December 6, 2007

Have you seen this?

This might just get me back to using Cathe...

STS - It's not just a workout - it's a workout system! (scroll down to the November 7 entry)

It appears that Cathe is taking a page from Tony Horton and others that know all about periodization. I am seriously considering pre-ordering when she announces. I should be recovered from whatever I need to do to repair my shoulder by the time these come out. At least one can hope, right.

I need to quick smoking. I started again in August & keep saying I'm going to quit again. If I could exercise it would be easier. But it even hurts to run. I know I need to stop but I don't have anything else to do...stupid, right?

I failed in my vow not to call John. I did.

1 comment:

Wennndy said...

It's OK that you called John. (((Deb)))

How is that shoulder????????

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