Friday, August 20, 2010


Just found out that my new office mate was fired because he posted a youtube video of himself talking about his large (I seriously doubt) dick!



Wennndy said...

ROFLMAO! OMG! How mortifying for him!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG. Just... OMG.

But, one does have to wonder how the superior officer came across this. Does he typically search for "soldier, big dick" on Youtube? hehehe.

stacey said...

Marie, doesn't everyone?

Doin the Math said...

LOL@ him, then Stacey topping Marie. Good humor!

Deb said...

Dumb ass bragged about it & someone ratted him out.

He's actually pretty lucky that our boss didn't bring him up on charges unbecoming an officer (yes, they still do that). Dumb ass is leaving the Air Force in 3 weeks & couldn't stay out of trouble. He could have been dishonorably discharged.

And just because it should be known...

Air Force members are airmen. Army & Marines are soldiers. Navy are no longer called seamen (can you guess why?) but are naval personnel which is still pretty funny to me. And, finally, Coast Guard are they, Sandi? Coasties is what I've heard but that just sounds a little insulting to me.

Wennndy said...

But Marines don't like being called soldiers, right? In fact, don't they HATE IT with a passion??? hahahaha. They prefer to be called "marines." When I worked at the Military Officers Association of American and then when I wrote for Stripes, I became intimately acquainted with these little facts. :) OMG.

Doin the Math said...

They do call themselves Coasties, but I don't know if that's "formal" or just what they've accepted. Pete's personal email is "coastiepete" for crying out loud, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, interesting on the nomenclature. I'm sure it's a very big deal if you're in the military or in any way attached to it. My father is a former Marine. NOT AN EX-MARINE, as there are no ex-Marines. Just former ones, LOL. I asked him this weekend if he was a "soldier" and he looked at me with total derision, so I guess that answers that, hehe. Now, my brother was in the Army and he will assure you that he is *indeed* an ex-soldier, hehe.

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