Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I think the dip to 154 was an anomaly.  I’m still bloated & generally feeling yucky & still weighing 159.  F*ck me!  I’m weighing & measuring everything that I eat.  I am sticking to program.  I know the scale will move eventually.  In the mean time my clothes are incredibly tight.  I’m irritated as hell but believe in the process so it’s an irrational irritation.  When I look at my arms & my obliques I can see muscle moving around so I know it’s just a matter of time.  I WANT IT NOW.

I should take pictures of my arms now because I have a great tan & can really see the diamond waiting to reveal itself.

I was really strong this morning!!!

BB rows (overhand grip) 75 for 2 sets/80 lbs for 3 sets

Pull-downs 85 lbs for all 5 sets

Lat sweeps 35 for 2 sets/42.5 for 3 sets (the machine I used goes up in increments of 7.5 lbs after 35 lbs)

DB overhead press 20 for 2 sets /15 for 3 sets(I found myself really arching my back with 20s—all those push-ups must be catching up with me)

DB side raises 15 for 3 sets/10 for 2 sets

I was going to do a BodyRock workout after but my back was REALLY tight & it was starting to hurt so I quit.  I tried to do intervals on the treadmill.  I did about 15 minutes & then walked for 5.  I wanted to go longer but I was hurting big time. I finished up with a really good stretch.  I timed each stretch for 30 seconds & went through all of them twice.  My back feels 100% again.  I have been neglecting my stretching…Need to make sure I do that every day. 

Food so far:


32 oz of water during workout

½ c 2% cottage cheese

½ c strawberries

Vanilla syrup (sugar-free)

½ c dry oats

10 Wasabi/soy sauce almonds (I could eat the entire can!)

20 oz of water

For later

3 oz pork loin (fat trimmed off)

1 c broccoli


5 egg whites/1 whole egg

Big bowl of greens

½ c pinto beans

Olive oil vinaigrette (this is what spell checker tells me is the correct spelling)


1 c Fage yogurt

½ c berries

in my Magic bullet!!!


3 oz chicken breast

Large bowl of greens

2 tbs salsa

Multigrain wrap









Wennndy said...

Great work, nice strong workout! Hang in there, Deb.

stacey said...

Woohoo for being strong!

Like Wendy said, hang in there!

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