Saturday, April 10, 2010

HA HA I laugh

In the face of vacation weight! It's gone! All Gone! I'm down to 149 today--that's where I was before vacation. And it didn't take any effort at all.

This tells me that the next few weeks are going to be EASY!!!

Okay, maybe. I'm trying to be optimistic.

Oh & I do have a sinus infection. I'm on antibiotics & feeling better already. The crap is moving which is a pain but it's better than sitting in my head.

While at the clinic I saw some people that I had not seen since well before I left. Each & everyone of them told me I look much healthier & relaxed! This while sporting a major sinus headache. HA! I love my new job!

1 comment:

Wennndy said...

Glad you got meds for that sinus infection! And YAY on being relaxed and lovin' the effects of your new gig.

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