Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Interesting developments

John had a session last night. On the way home he called to tell me how it went. He offered to give me all of his passwords. I told him that wasn't the point in my being upset the other night. The issue was that he was behaving as though he had something to hide. I told him yes, my human nature wants to see what he is putting in his journal but that I will not invade his privacy that way. I also told him that having his passwords would be far too tempting for me to do just that completely out of mistrust. Maybe I'm stupid for not taking the passwords & checking up on him but I just don't want to put myself in that kind of position. We'll talk about it tomorrow night when we go out with his accountability partner. Get his take on it.

Work is making me nuts. I've got a couple of cases that are making me just horrible. One is a patient that is blatantly malingering (the military disability process is very much like workers' compensation). Everyone has called her out on it but she has lawyered up with some "high power" DC military law attorney & is refusing to return my calls. Beotch. The other is a very sad case of a 22 year-old ROTC troop that was commissioned in June & came down with MRSA the day after she became an active duty. She has been in a vegitative state since June 29th. The prognosis is grim. It totally kills me. She's 3 months younger older than Erin & an only child, too. Her mother is devesated.


Wennndy said...

The work stuff does sound grim ... ugh.

As for John, wow, what an amazing change -- is he usually an all-or-nothing kind of guy?

Hope this posts!!!

Deb said...

Yeah, he is all or nothing. It makes me crazy!

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