Monday, January 17, 2011

Re-evaluating my goals

I'm at the beginning of a new phase. It's a good place to be. For the first time in a very long time I don't hate my body. I still want to lose 8 lbs but I don't hate the way I look. The pictures are pretty cool. So there.

When I planned my meals for this week I didn't obsess about when I can have a cheat meal. I just did it. Almost mindlessly. I've learned to cook. I think that makes a huge difference.

So here we go...

I want to get down to 140 by March 15. That's 8 weeks away. It's do-able. I have 2 pairs of Gap khakis that I want to wear again. They almost fit.

I am ready to finish this & keep it off!

John has ANOTHER interview today. Will keep you posted.


Wennndy said...

You know now that it mostly times patience and consistent effort, cuz you know what to do! Yay!

And fingers x'd on the interview. :)

stacey said...

My fingers are crossed for John too.

Good luck on getting to 140!

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